Our latest successes include:

IT – Hosted Services – Vertical Market

This Software As A Service (SAAS) business specialised in meeting the demanding needs of medical specialists. Their technology solutions were ideal for practices with multiple sites which demanded the convenience of real time data accessibility from several locations.

Additionally they provided their clients with other IT services covering everything from hardware maintenance/upgrades through to consumables.

The business had established a well-equipped and dedicated data centre in NSW ensuring they had the greatest control and therefore could offer the strongest of assurances to its clients.

To complete the IT&T solutions for their clients they developed a tailor-made VOIP system specifically assembled to suit the unusual telephony needs of multisite medical specialist practices.

This business was sold to an international buyer wishing to expand their commercial operations in Australia. The business sold for 105% of the asking price.

Managed IT, Hosted Services + ISP         

An IT services business that provided comprehensive IT services and solutions tailored to meet the demanding and changing needs of businesses in the SME category. They had successfully productised their offering but also offered significant flexibility.

Their income was equally derived from Managed IT solutions, Hosted Services (Cloud Computing) and equipment and software sales. They were also an ISP in its own right and had a fledgling reseller operation.

This business was sold to and interstate computer services business wishing to expand their NSW business via acquisition. The business was sold for 30% higher than competitive brokers had estimated its market value.