
Buyers at this level of the market talk to LINK Enterprise first when seeking their next venture. See our recent transactions below. Could your business be next?

Construction Contractor Business

Value: $20,000,000

Expedited the sale through an effective marketing campaign.

Niche Engineering Business

Value: $9,850,000

The business was sold to experienced business owners.

Industrial Services

Value: $7,500,000

Successful owners needed a change. Sold to an Asian based investor.

Industrial Maintenance Fabrication 

Value: $7,500,000

Quick turnover and sold at the asking price.


Value: $6,600,000

A 50+ year old family-owned business. Strong brand and unique products. Sold to Australian Buyers.


Value: $6,500,000

Our client was in ill health. Sold in 6 weeks.

Import / Export / Wholesale B2B

Value: $6,500,000

Advertised by LINK NSW and sold at nearly full price.

Engineering Business

Value: $6,300,000

Both seller and buyer were very satisfied with how LINK NSW handled the sale.

Industrial Manufacturing

Value: $6,200,000

After 25 years our client wanted to retire and go traveling. Sold to a Private Investment Syndicate.

Big Business with Retiring Owner

Value: $6,000,000

Sold near full price.

Manufacturing Business

Value: $6,000,000

Incredible brand, strong brand and thus we achieved a high profit multiple in value. Job Done.


Value: $5,700,000

An outstanding hire business built up over 30 years. Great value achieved & a comfortable retirement for our client.

Industrial Manufacturing

Value: $5,300,000

30 Year history and good management in place. We worked a sale around a tricky factory relocation.

Industrial Manufacturing

Value: $5,200,000

This was a very solid business with t/o of $10 million and an EBIT of $2 million, based in central Qld, operating in the electrical contracting and mining support services, list price $5.2 million.

Our seller chose the premium marketing package which allowed us to fully utilize our advertising campaign, Our buyer was an ASX listed company looking for a business working in the essential services area, their offer was a mixture of cash up front, earn out and shares in the ASX listed company.

Contract price was $5 million, which was within 5% of asking price, from listing date to settlement was 10 weeks.

Our seller was very happy with the result!


Value: $5,200,000

Sold within 6 months with 3 offers from local and interstate buyers.


Value: $5,000,000

The business had a large and complex inventory with obsolete stock issues. We structured a sales process to suit and got a great deal for our client.

Manufacturing Business

Value: $4,750,000

A very profitable business but very dependent on two working owners. We constructed a deal that provided for a high-value exit.

Import Distribution

Value: $4,750,000

20 years building up a great business was well rewarded with a very successful sale to a Private Equity Group.

International Manufacturer

Value: $4,750,000

Received multiple enquiries on the business and the best offer was chosen.

Building and Construction Business

Value: $4,600,000

This proved to be a challenge but LINK NSW was able to help close out the sale.

Manufacturing & Rental 

Value: $4,600,000

An excellent hire business. Sold to private investors.

Fully Managed Money Maker

Value: $4,500,000

Top notch marketing and advertising led to a quick sale.

Online Business

Value: $4,500,000

Extensive marketing campaign, which resulted in multiple offers from interstate buyers.


Value: $4,400,000

By marketing this leading education institution across NZ,AUS and beyond, we were able to attract a foreign Private Equity buyer who superbly rewarded the vendor.

Niche Manufacturing Business

Value: $4,395,000

Seller and buyer were both very happy with the transaction.

Service & Installation

Value: $4,200,000

Steep earnings growth & only a 5 year old business. Sold to a strategic buyer wanting to move into this sector

Traffic Control & Logistics

Value: $4,000,000

Sold to major competitor.


Industrial Manufacturing

Value: $3,900,000

Our client had significant health problems and no successor in place. We organised a seamless exit for him that recognised the value he’d built up in his firm.

Mechanical Industry

Value: $3,800,000

Good outcome for the sellers with multiple offers.

Property Services

Value: $3,450,000

A franchise & very reliant on two workings owners with declining profits. Not the easiest sale!


Value: $3,400,000

Broker worked closely with both the buyers and sellers over a 2 year period to bring about this sale. There were multiple offers and the vendor achieved full asking price on sale.

Debt Collection Agency

Value: $3,300,000

Attracted multiple offers and sold weeks upon listing.

Coffee Roaster Business

Value: $3,000,000

Sold very quickly to a business owner who was very keen on having his own coffee roasting business.

Butcher Business

Value: $3,000,000

Extensive marketing campaign, which resulted in multiple offers and sold at the asking price.


Value: $2,900,000

The business was sold to a Strategic Trade Buyer out of the UK for a considerable market premium.

Electronic Instruments Market Leader

Value: $2,750,000

Excellent marketing Campaign resulted with multiple buyers and a fantastic result within inches of the asking price.

Construction Industry

Value: $2,700,000

Our client built a great business. We engineered buyer competition to maximize the value achieved.

Transport / Distribution

Value: $2,650,000

Multiple offers received, Share Sale agreement reached with vendor receiving full asking price.


Value: $2,600,000

This business was started by one man and a mowing machine back in 1990. It was subsequently grown to a turnover in excess of $11m, and sold as an acquisition to a company from South Australia.

Plastic Manufacturing 

Value: $2,500,000

Remote rural-based business, with a niche product and incredible I.P. A great result for our client.

Manufacture & Installation Kitchen

Value: $2,450,000

Sold to a staff member but LINK was engaged to ensure the business was valued fairly and the process was managed professionally.


Value: $2,450,000

Excellent marketing campaign, which resulted in multiple buyers and offers and a fantastic result within inches of the asking price.

This business was started by one man in a shed in the backyard in 1987. It was subsequently grown to a turnover of just under $11m, and sold as an acquisition to a Private Equity Group in South East Queensland.

Buyers were from outside of the industry, wanted to invest in a business with a strong trading history and solid continuous growth.

With almost 30 years of effort by the seller in building up a great business, they were well rewarded with a very successful sale to a local Private Equity Group.


Value: $2,300,000

Our client did everything right. A thoroughly-prepared business for sale. We marketed it widely. Tremendous success. Multiple offers and a high-value exit.

Industrial Manufacturing

Value: $2,000,000

Buyers were from outside of the industry, wanted to invest in a service based industry with strong growth opportunities.

Niche/Leisure Industry

Value: $2,000,000

Sold to a Private Equity Group at the asking price.

Industrial Manufacturing

Value: $2,000,000

Our clients had built up a nationally known brand. Sold to private investors focused on taking it to the next level.

Industrial / Manufacturing Business

Value: $2,000,000

Sold to the buyer with the best offer.

Food Services

Value: $2,000,000

Iconic business of over 25 years. Sold on walk-in, walk-out basis during stage 4 Melbourne lockdown.

Leisure Industry / Wholesale / Manufacturing 

Value: $2,000,000

Sold to a Private Equity Group at asking price with excellent support from the Vendor.


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